Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Trash heap Trailer

Solid Waste management 

Solid waste collection usually falls to the local government body to administer. In Australia, it is something that works relatively well – we fill our respective bins, and so long as we remember to put them on the street, they will get taken away. Australians produce on average 2 tonnes of garbage each year. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports approximately 95% of households recycle inorganic waste and 65% recycle organic waste at home. Most waste collection vehicles are segregated to allow for collection of two separate bins (inorganic recyclable and other wastes), and some urban local councils provide a third bin for collection of garden waste.

Trash heap trailers are the bins which are used for green waste, general waste, dirt, concrete and builders waste.

 Any materials that are regulated by law, such as hazmat materials like radioactive or toxic waste, lubricants, tires, contaminated soils and asbestos are strictly prohibited from loading and transport in our trailer skip bins.

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